
Breakfast Recipe

One of my favorite recipes for summer is a SMOOTHIE. It is a great way to get your day started by consuming key vitamins and nutrients for good health in a quick and easy way. Smoothies are especially great for those on the go. Both moms and kids can have a super start to their day with a fresh smoothie.

1 scoop of an approved protein energy meal (Important: Some supplements are NOT APPROVED due to high lead content or noncompliance with ingredient claims, so choose wisely.)

1 scoop of a safe whole food green‑approved. (Note: Green Vibrance has NOT been Approved by CL due to high levels of arsenic.)

½ cup plain unsweetened Greek yogurt

1 cup organic blueberries/strawberries or raspberries (Berries are great antioxidants; I freeze my berries.)

1 banana – great source of potassium

¼ to ½ cup nut butter – I like peanut butter so I add organic/natural no‑sugar‑added PB

½ cup unsweetened almond milk or coconut almond milk – I like Silk Almond Coconut Milk

1 tbsp each of hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds (Flax seed is great!!)

½ avocado (save the other half for lunch or dinner) or you can add a different oil

1 handful spinach (Great in raw form and can’t taste it)

1 tbsp turmeric

1/2 cup ice

Add water for desired consistency

Use your own variations on this healthy start to your day.

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By Solutions To Wellness
